I was fortunate enough to have two 4* bots in my first month of playing (2 months ago) and have recently gotten my first 5*. One, as I said it’s very deep commitment, as you are going to need to clock in a TON of time in order to have the chance to get certain bots or reach certain goals. And frankly, that’s all it needs, anything more is unneeded and honestly unwanted. It is careful which series’ it chooses from: G1, Beast Wars, and the movie-verse. That said, it’s graphically breathtaking, the gameplay itself is fun and intense, and the variety of characters is very impressive. The game does have a “stamina” system that limits how long you can play in one sitting for constant play, and it takes ages to recharge even by IOS standards. This is a game that is not for the typical player, as you are going to need to invest a lot of time into the game before you’re able to achieve certain things. One I would love to see would be a transmetal skin for dinobot and Optimus primal. Like give mv1 Optimus his last knight skin or give g1 Optimus a nemesis prime skin. Also skins, I think another cool thing to do would be to give characters different skins. Also if Javan adds in beast wars megatron there needs to be other preds in the game, there’s already 3 different megatrons.

If they add in some more predacons and sideswipe that would be awesome. Lately they’ve only added in g1 characters which are most of the games characters. I think they should add in beast wars scorponok as a demolitionist, also movie verse sideswipe has not been added which is a character I’ve longed to be in the game.

There is not a single movie tech class in the game and there is only one predacon. But my primary complaint is that there isn’t a very large amount of beast wars or movie characters. This game is fantastic,while I’ve gotten a majority of characters I still have not obtained a 3 Star shockwave. Like us on Facebook: /forgedtofightįollow us on Twitter: to our YouTube Channel: /TransformersForgedtoFight What’s New WiFi or cellular connection is required to play.